Game Dev Lean Coffee! Finally the community is here!

Many people waited for this Lean Coffee on February 18. Some of them were waiting for three years! Can you imagine? Three years! Three years. Sounds like a lot?


There’s no such thing as Game Dev community in Saratov. There are some individuals and entrepreneurs that are creating games, but not so many well-known. Most of people driven by this idea are working as developers in big organisations, creating games as their hobbies.

So this was the most crowded Lean Coffee meeting. We aren’t even sure that we are allowed to call it Lean Coffee))))) Hope it will result in something more than this.


Kindly hosted by the Kanbanchi team.
Currently turned towards the remote team with team members located worldwide.

Startups and development are our core topics. Adding marketing&design sometimes.

As we are developers + working for a startup, our most loved and often discussed topics are startups and development. Nothing surprising 🙂

Seems like our city is becoming more and more involved.

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Since the start many people joined, many topics added.


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Kindly hosted by the Kanbanchi team.
Currently turned towards the remote team with team members located worldwide.

And we’re moving on!

These three summer month were so hectic and full of all kinds of activities, that we totally forgot about our Lean Coffee updates. But never forgot about Lean Coffee itself!


Now we meet in many cafes of our city, Lean Coffee is becoming a popular event, and there’s even some kind of a competition between the cafes for the right to welcome us. This is all extremely inspiring for our team, because for sure we are as well proud to be the first to start Lean Coffee as we are to be proud to be developers of Kanbanchi 🙂

Recently we  have been invited to one of the famous radio stations to tell about Lean Coffee in Saratov. You may listen, of course, but it’s in Russian (lucky you who know the language).

Lean Coffee in Saratov on the Russian radio

We explained the concept of agenda-less meetings, described the way we moderate conversation and tried to inspire other people to start their own Lean Coffee to spread the idea to some other areas that aren’t of our competence. Our team is mostly focused on development, kanban (because of our app), digital marketing and travel, but there are so many other areas of life and business, where people can benefit from gathering for Lean Coffee. We will be glad if it spreads even more!

Kindly hosted by the Kanbanchi team.
Currently turned towards the remote team with team members located worldwide.

Lean Coffee: new location and new topics!

knb cover

Half a year ago Kanbanchi team started Lean Coffee in Saratov when no one knew what that was. Today a large part of Saratov small business community has heard or has taken part in our events. Probably that’s the reason why the most popular cafe in Saratov suggested to have Lean Coffee at their place. We should say that didn’t take much time to make this decision (they have some great coffee, so why not? =)

Continue reading Lean Coffee: new location and new topics!

Lean Coffee by Kanbanchi. Second cup.


We had the second cup of Lean Coffee by Kanbanchi on January 23, 2016. Since Saratov enthusiasts were already familiar with the format, which Kanbanchi team introduced in November, we decided to move on getting closer to the original concept of Lean Coffee introduced by Jim Benson and Jeremy Lightsmith. All over the world Lean Coffee events are not formal and held in cafes without thorough organization – meetings take place in the same place at the same time, participants simply get updated about the next event. So, small number of things are required – a source of information, post-it notes and at least one person familiar with Lean Coffee format to educate others. Simplicity and flexibility are what we love about Lean Coffee.

Continue reading Lean Coffee by Kanbanchi. Second cup.

Lean Coffee by Kanbanchi. First cup.

Lean Management, Lean Startups, Lean Production…Lean Coffee. Do you have any idea what Lean Coffee stands for? Probably yes. However, to many Russians it doesn’t ring a bell. That’s why we decided to enlighten the people and on November 22, 2015 conducted the first Lean Coffee in Saratov, Russia.

Continue reading Lean Coffee by Kanbanchi. First cup.